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Josphat Kipng'etich Saina






1. Genetic diversity and population genetic structuring based on multiple molecular markers in anthropogenically disturbed plant populations.
2. Molecular phylogenetics (plastid phylogenomics)
3. Native and nonnative species distribution
4. Phylogeography


2017- 2021   Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D.

2014- 2017   Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, M.S., Botany;

2009- 2013   Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, B.S.






Peer-Reviewed Publications

1.      Saina, J.K., Gichira, A.W., Ngarega, B.K., Li Z. Z, Gituru, R. W., Hu, G. W., Kuo, L. (2021). Development and utilization of microsatellite markers to assess genetic variation coupled with modelling range shifts of Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. in isolated Taita Hills and Mount Kenya forests. Molecular Biology Reports (2021).

2.      Saina, J. K., Li Z. Z, Mekbib Y, Gichira A. W., Liao Y. Y. (2021). Transcriptome sequencing and microsatellite marker discovery in Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle (Simaroubaceae). Molecular Biology Reports, 48 (3), 2007-2023.

3.      Saina, J. K., Li, Z. Z., Gichira, A. W., Avoga, S., Wang, Q. F., & Kuo, L. (2019). The complete plastome of real yellow wood (Podocarpus latifolius): gene organization and comparison with related species. Holzforschung, 73 (6), 525-536.

4.      Saina, J. K., Li, Z. Z., Gichira, A. W., & Liao, Y. Y. (2018). The complete chloroplast genome sequence of tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (mill.) (Sapindales: Simaroubaceae), an important pantropical tree. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (4), 929.

5.      Saina, J. K., Gichira, A. W., Li, Z. Z., Hu, G. W., Wang, Q. F., & Liao, K. (2018). The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Dodonaea viscosa: Comparative and phylogenetic analyses. Genetica, 146 (1), 101-113.

6.      Gichira A. W, Chen L. Y, Li Z. Z, Hu G. W, Saina J. K, Gituru R.W, Wang Q. F, Chen J. M, (2021). Plastid phylogenomics and insights into the inter-mountain dispersal of the Eastern African giant senecios (Dendrosenecio, Asteraceae), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 164.

7.      Li, Z. Z#., Saina, J. K#., Gichira, A. W., Kyalo, C. M., Wang, Q. F., & Chen, J. M. (2018). Comparative genomics of the Balsaminaceae sister genera Hydrocera triflora and Impatiens pinfanensis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (1), 319.

8.      Mekbib, Y., Saina, J. K., Tesfaye, K., Eshetu, G., Hu, G., Chen, J., & Li, Z. (2020). Chloroplast Genome Sequence Variations and Development of Polymorphic Markers in Coffea arabica. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 1-12.

9.      Mekbib, Y, Kassahun Tesfaye, Xiang Dong, Saina J. K., H. W, Wang Q.F. "Whole-genome resequencing of Coffea arabica L.(Rubiaceae) genotypes identify SNP and unravels distinct groups showing a strong geographical pattern." BMC plant biology 22, no. 1 (2022): 1-9.