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2011.09-2016.12, 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校, 动物学, 博士;

2008.09-2015.12, 中国科学院大学, 生态学, 博士;

2004.09-2008.06, 四川大学, 生物技术, 学士。



2019.07至今, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 博士后;

2018.03-2019.06, 丰益国际-新加坡国立大学联合实验室, 研发科学家;

2017.01-2017.12, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校, 博士后。



Peer-Reviewed Publications

1.  Fan, H., Li, J.Y., Landrein, S. (2022) Complete chloroplast genome of Nyctocalos pinnatum: chloroplast features and phylogenetic relationships within Bignoniaceae. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources 7(6): 1035-1037.

2.  Chen, B., Loo, B.Z.L., Cheng, Y.Y., Song, P., Fan, H., Latypov, O., Kittelmann, S. (2022). Genome-wide high-throughput signal peptide screening via plasmid pUC256E improves protease secretion in Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Pediococcus acidilactici. BMC Genomics 23(1): 48.

3.  Silvaraju, S., Menon, N., Fan, H., Lim, K. and Kittelmann, S. (2021). Phylotype-Level Characterization of Complex Lactobacilli Communities Using a High-Throughput, High-Resolution Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase (pheS) Gene Amplicon Sequencing Approach. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87(1): e02191-20.

4.  Zhao, J.B., Fan, H., Zhao, Y.B., Han, L.X., (2021). Zebra Dove (Geopelia striata) Found in Mengla, Yunnan. Chinese Journal of Zoology. 56(6):870, 881(in Chinese with English abstract).

5.  Khadempour, L., Fan, H., Keefover-Ring, K., Carlos-Shanley, C., Nagamoto, N.S., Dam, M.A., Pupo, M.T. and Currie, C.R. (2020). Metagenomics reveals diet-specific specialization of bacterial communities in fungus gardens of grass-and dicot-cutter ants. Frontiers in microbiology, 11:570770.

6.  Barcoto, M.O., Carlos-Shanley, C., Fan, H., Ferro, M., Nagamoto, N.S., Bacci, M., Currie, C.R. and Rodrigues, A. (2020). Fungus-growing insects host a distinctive microbiota apparently adapted to the fungiculture environment. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-13.

7.  Carlos, C., Fan, H., and Currie, C. (2018). Substrate shift reveals roles for members of bacterial consortia in lignocellulose degradation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:364.

8. Fan, H., Ives, A., Surget-Groba, Y. (2018). Reconstructing phylogeny from reduced-representation genome sequencing data without assembly or alignment, Molecular Ecology Resources, 18(6), 1482–1491.

9.  Fan, H., Ives, A., Surget-Groba, Y., Cannon, C. (2015). An assembly and alignment-free method of phylogeny reconstruction from next-generation sequencing data, BMC Genomics, 16:522.

10. Kozlowski, G., Gibbs, D., Fan, H., Frey, D., and Gratzfeld, J. (2012) Conservation of threatened relict trees through living ex situ collections: lessons from the global survey of the genus Zelkova (Ulmaceae). Biodiversity and Conservation, 21:671-685.



1.     中国博士后科学基金面上项目,利用宏基因组测序同时检测反刍动物的食性及肠道微生物,2020-20228万,在研,主持。