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研究领域:土壤生态学 研究方向:(1)土壤生物宏观生态学格局;(2)地上-地下关系;(3)土壤健康











1.       Xu, G., Yang, L., Xu, L., Yang, J., 2022. Soil microplastic pollution under different land uses in tropics, southwestern China. Chemosphere 289, 133176.

2.       Xu, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, S., Ma, K., 2020. Biodiversity associations of soil fauna and plants depend on plant life form and are accounted for by rare taxa along an elevational gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 140, 107640.

3.       Xu, G., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Ma, K., 2018. Environmental correlates underlying elevational richness, abundance, and biomass patterns of multi-feeding guilds in litter invertebrates across the treeline. Science of the Total Environment 633, 529-538.

4.       Xu, G., Lin, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Li, G., Ma, K., 2017. Shifting mechanisms of elevational diversity and biomass patterns in soil invertebrates at treeline. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 113, 80-88.

5.       Xu, G., Zhang, S., Lin, Y., Ma, K., 2015. Context dependency of the density–body mass relationship in litter invertebrates along an elevational gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 88, 323-332.

6.       徐艺逸, 曹敏, 徐国瑞, 2020. 云南省三种典型气候带凋落物层弹尾类多样性分布格局. 生态学报 40, 5008-5017.

7.       徐国瑞, 马克明, 2017. 土壤动物粒径谱研究进展. 生态学报 37, 2506-2519.

8.       徐国瑞, 张育新, 张霜, 马克明, 2017. 海拔对表居土壤动物不同取食功能群多度分布的影响. 土壤学报 54, 237-245.


1.       Lin, L., Chen, Y., Xu, G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, S., Ma, K., 2021. Impacts of Urbanization Undermine Nestedness of the Plant–Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Network. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 626671.

2.       Chen, Q., Xu, G., Wu, Z., Kang, P., Zhao, Q., Chen, Y., Lin, G., Jian, S., 2020. The effects of winter temperature and land use on mangrove avian species richness and abundance on Leizhou Peninsula, China. Wetlands 40, 153-166.

3.       Zvereva, E.L., Castagneyrol, B., Cornelissen, T., Forsman, A., Hernandez-Agueero, J.A., Klemola, T., Paolucci, L., Polo, V., Salinas, N., Theron, K.J., Xu, G., Zverev, V., Kozlov, M.V., 2019. Opposite latitudinal patterns for bird and arthropod predation revealed in experiments with differently colored artificial prey. Ecology and Evolution 9, 14273-14285.

4.       Chen, Q., Xu, G., Zhang, S., Ma, K., 2018. Consumption of an exotic plant (Spartina alterniflora) by the macrobenthic fauna in a mangrove wetland at Zhanjiang, China. Wetlands 38, 327-335.

5.       Li, G.X., Xu, G.R., Shen, C.C., Tang, Y., Zhang, Y.X., Ma, K.M., 2016. Contrasting elevational diversity patterns for soil bacteria between two ecosystems divided by the treeline. Science China-Life Sciences 59, 1177-1186.

6.       丁彰琦, 徐国瑞, 张霜, 张育新, 马克明, 2021. 北京东灵山土壤动物多样性海拔格局的尺度推绎规律. 应用生态学报 32, 4272-4278.



1.     中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,2022-202580万元,在研,主持;

2.     国家重点研发项目,高黎贡山生态功能提升与入侵植物物种防控技术,2022-202458万元,在研,主持;

3.     国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,干旱梯度下土壤生物多样性与土壤呼吸的耦合关系研究,2021-202310万元,在研,主持;

4.     质兰基金会项目,以萤火虫为指示物种的森林土壤健康评价与保护探索,2022-20235万元,在研,主持;

5.     国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,海拔梯度上植物-土壤动物功能特征多样性链接关系研究,2018-202031万元,结题,主持;

6.     中国科学院西部之光西部青年学者B类项目,云南不同气候带土壤动物功能类群沿海拔梯度的分布规律研究,2017-201915万元,结题,主持。