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1.乔木和土壤真菌的局域和纬度梯度格局及其驱动机制 2.物种共存和生物多样性维持机制 3.物种时、空分布格局 4.物种生态位分布模型 5.数据挖掘 6.机器学习
2009/07-2009/11,Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Canada,访问学者,合作导师:何芳良教授 
1.Hu, Y.H. (胡跃华),Kitching R.L., Lan G.Y., Zhang J.L., Sha L.Q., Cao M. Size-Class Effect Contributes to Tree Species Assembly through Influencing Dispersal in Tropical Forests.PLoS ONE, 2014, 9: e108450.  
2.Hu, Y.H., Sheng D.Y., Xiang Y.Z., Yang Z.J., Xu D.P., Zhang N.N., Shi L.L. The Environment, Not Space, Dominantly Structures the Landscape Patterns of the Richness and Composition of the Tropical Understory Vegetation. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8: e81308. 
3.Hu, Y.H., Lan, G.Y., Sha, L.Q., Cao, M., Tang, Y., Li, Y.D. Xu, D.P. Strong Neutral Spatial Effects Shape Tree Species Distributions across Life Stages at Multiple Scales. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7: e38247. 
4.Hu, Y.H., Sha, L.Q., Blanchet, F.G., Zhang, J.L., Tang, Y., Lan, G.Y. & Cao, M. Dominant species and dispersal limitation regulate tree species distributions in a 20-ha plot in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China.Oikos, 2012, 121: 952-960. 
5. Qiao, N., Xu, X., Hu, Y.H., Blagodatskaya, E., Liu, Y., Schaefer, D., Kuzyakov, Y. Carbon and nitrogen additions induce distinct priming effects along an organic-matter decay continuum. Scientific Reports, in press (2015). 
6.Lan, G.Y., Getzin S., Wiegand T., Hu, Y.H., Zhu H., Cao M. Spatial distribution and interspecific associations of the canopy species in a tropical seasonal rain forest of China. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7: e46074. 
7.Lan, G.Y., Zhang, Y., He,F.,Hu, Y.H., Zhu H., Cao M. Species associations of congeneric species in a tropical seasonal rain.Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2016, 32:201–212.Spatial distribution and interspecific associations of the canopy species in a tropical seasonal rain forest of China. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7: e46074. 
8.Lan, G.Y., Hu, Y.H., Cao, M., Zhu, H. Topography related spatial distribution of dominant tree species in a tropical rain forest in China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2011, 262: 1507-1513. 
9.Lan, G.Y., Zhu, H., Cao, M.,Hu, Y.H., Wang, H., Deng, X., Zhou, S. S., Cui, J. Y., Huang, J. G., He, Y. C., Liu, L. Y., Xu, H. L. and Song, J. P. Spatial dispersion patterns of trees in a tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China.Ecological Research, 2009,5: 117-1124. 
10.Velden N. v. d., Ferry-Slik J. W., Hu, Y.H., Lan, G., Lin, L., Deng, X. and Poorter, L. Monodominance of Parashoreachinensis on fertile soils in a Chinese tropical rain forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2014, 30: 311-322. 
5.中国科学院东南亚生物多样性研究中心区域性国际合作基金项目,《中南半岛森林动态样地土壤真菌多样性的纬度生物地理格局及其内、外驱动机制》,2016/08-2018/08 中国科学院/50万、在研、主持。