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列当科植物(含传统玄参科半寄生植物类群、以及钟萼草属和地黄属等类群)系统发育和演化生物学研究,尤其是寄生习性的形成和演化机制的研究。 喜马拉雅-横断山地区马先蒿属植物花部形态多样化的形成、演化,及其适应机制的研究。 濒危保护植物的遗传多样性评估,及其在就地和迁地保护中的应用。 植物DNA条形码技术应用于物种鉴定、新物种发现、群落系统发育分析等。 细胞器基因组的多样性和演化,特别关注寄生植物和食虫植物等。


2008-09--2011-07   中国科学院研究生院/昆明植物研究所   博士

2004-09--2007-07   中国科学院研究生院/昆明植物研究所   硕士

2000-09--2004-06   南昌大学生命科学与食品工程学院   大学本科



2015-09~2018-07The Pennsylvania State University,访问学者



2011-11~2012-12Field Museum of Natural History,博士后




2020-11-01-2025-10-31,云南省植物学会, 理事



1)  Ai H.-L., Yu W.-B., Wang H. 2007. Closure behavior of the touching-sensitive stigmas in flowering plants and its adaptive significance. Acta Botanica Yunnanica. 29: 543-548. [艾洪莲,郁文彬,王红. 2007. 有花植物触敏柱头的闭合行为及其适应意义. 云南植物研究. 29: 543-548.] (in Chinese with an English abstract)

2)  Yu W.-B., Wang H. 2008. Pollen morphology of Pedicularis sect. Cyathophora, a group endemic to the eastern Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains region. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 50: 244-252.

3)  Yu W.-B., Zhang S.-D., Wang H. 2008. New taxa of Pedicularis (Scrophulariaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China. Novon. 18: 125-129.

4)  Yu W.-B., Cai J., Wang H., Chen J.-Q. 2008. Advances in floral divergence and reproductive adaptation in Pedicularis L. (Orobanchaceae). Chinese Bulletin of Botany. 25(392-400. [郁文彬, 蔡杰, 王红, 陈建群. 2008. 马先蒿属植物花冠分化与繁殖适应的研究进展. 植物学通报. 25: 392-400.] (in Chinese with a English abstract)

5)  Zhang S., Yu W.-B., Wang H. 2008. Flower heliotropism of alpine plants and its adaptive significance. Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research. 26: 197-202. [张舒,郁文彬, 王红. 2008. 高山植物花的向日运动及其适应意义. 武汉植物学研究. 26(2): 197-202.] (in Chinese with a English abstract)

6)  Jiang N., Guan K.-Y., Yu W.-B.*, Peng X.-M. 2009. Validation of Atalantia fongkaica and Fortunella bawangica (Rutaceae). Rhodora. 111: 536-537.

7)  Jiang N., Yu W.-B.*, Guan K.-Y. 2009. Valid publication of the name Atalantia acuminata (Rutaceae), endemic to southwestern China and northern Vietnam. Nordic Journal of Botany. 27: 478-478.

8)  Wang H., Yu W.-B., Chen J.-Q., Blackmore S. 2009. Pollen morphology in relation to floral types and pollination syndromes in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 277: 153-162.

9)  Huang P.-H., Yu W.-B., Lu L., Yang J.-B., Wang H. 2010. Isolation andcharacterization of 13 microsatellite loci from Pedicularis rex (lousewort). Hortscience. 45: 1129-1131.

10) Li J.-P., Peng X.-M., Yu W.-B.* 2010. Nomenclature notes on Ferula tunshanica (=F. licentiana var. tunshanica) (Apiaceae). Phytotaxa. 13: 59-60.

11) Jiang N., Yu W.-B., Li H.-Z., Guan K.-Y. 2010. Floral traits, pollination ecology and breeding system of three Clematis species (Ranunculaceae) in Yunnan province, southwestern China. Australian Journal of Botany. 58: 115-123.

12) Yu W.-B., Huang P.-H., Li D.-Z., Wang H. 2010. A new species of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains, southwest China. Novon. 20: 512-518.

13) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2010. Proposals to amend Art. 53 Ex. 9 & Ex. 10. Taxon. 59: 310.

14) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2010. Proposals to amend Article 9.15, add an example to Article 37, and make additions to Appendices III and IV. Taxon. 59: 656-657.

15) Zhang S., Ai H.-L., Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2010. Flower heliotropism of Anemone rivularis (Ranunculaceae) in the Himalayas: effects on floral temperature and reproductive fitness. Plant Ecology. 209: 301-312.

16) China Plant BOL Group† 2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108: 19641-19646. (†, including 62 authors)

17) Jiang N., Lin X., Guan K.-Y., Yu W.-B.* 2011. Valid publication of the name Helicia falcata (Proteaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany. 29: 61-62.

18) Jiang N., Peng X.-M., Yu W.-B. 2011. Valid publication of Asarum longirhizomatosum (Aristolochiaceae). Novon. 21: 190-191.

19) Ma H., Jiang N., Yu W.-B.*, Li Z.-H.* 2011. Valid publication of the name Callicarpa peichieniana (Lamiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany. 29: 224-226.

20) Peng X.-M., Jiang N., Yu W.-B.* 2011. Valid publication of the name Callicarpa bodinieri var.iteophylla (Lamiaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 49: 508.

21) Peng X.-M., He Z., Yu W.-B.* 2011. Nomenclature notes on Myristica yunnanensis and Cyclobalanopsis yonganensis. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 18: 65-67.

22) Yu W.-B.#, Huang P.-H.#, Ree R.H., Liu M.-L., Li D.-Z., Wang H. 2011. DNA barcoding of Pedicularis L. (Orobanchaceae): testing four candidate DNA barcode loci in a large and hemiparasitic genus. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 49: 425-437.

23) Yu W.-B., Huang P.-H., Wang H. 2011. A new synonym of Pedicularis cyathophylla (Orobanchaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 49: 507.

24) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2011. Names of Chinese seed plants validly published in a catalogue of type specimens (Cormophyta) in the herbaria of China and its two supplements. Taxon. 60: 1168-1172.

25) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2012. Highly efficient pollination by bumblebees ensures seed production in Pedicularis lachnoglossa (Orobanchaceae), an early-flowering Himalayan plant. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 50: 518-526.

26) Liu M.-L., Yu W.-B., Li D.-Z., Mill R.R., Wang H. 2013. Seed morphological diversity of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae) and its taxonomic significance. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 299:1645-1657.

27) Yu W.-B. 2013. Valid publication of the name Anaphalis hymenolepis (Asteraceae). Phytotaxa. 138: 58-60.

28) Yu W.-B. 2013. Nomenclatural clarifications for names in Boschniakia, Kopsiopsis and Xylanche (Orobanchaceae). Phytotaxa. 77: 40-42.

29) Yu W.-B. 2013. Valid publication of Turpinia pomifera var. minor (Staphyleaceae). Phytotaxa. 119: 55-58.

30) Yu W.-B., Cai J., Li D.-Z., Mill R.R, Wang H. 2013. Floral ontogeny of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), with an emphasis on the corolla upper lip. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 51: 435-450.

31) Yu W.-B., He F. 2013. Nomenclatural notes on Rhododendron sparsifolium (Ericaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany. 31: 309-311.

32) Yu W.-B., Huang P.-H., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2013. Incongruence between nuclear and chloroplast DNA phylogenies in Pedicularis section Cyathophora (Orobanchaceae). PLoS One. 8: e74828.

33) Yu W.-B., Mill R. R., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2013. Proposal to conserve the name Pterygiella cylindrica against Brandisia praticola (Orobanchaceae). Taxon. 62: 1067-1068.

34) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2013. Gymnosporia thyrsiflora comb. nov. (Celastraceae), a correct name to replace G. graciliramula from Southwest China. Nordic Journal of Botany. 31: 746–747.

35) Yu W.-B., Wang, H. & Li, D.-Z. 2013. Proposal to conserve Pedicularis stenocorys against P. stenantha (Orobanchaceae). Taxon. 62: 1066-1067.

36) Liu M.-L.,Yu W.-B.,Wang H. 2013. Rapid identification of plant species and iflora: application of DNA barcoding in a large temperate genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Plant Diversity and Resources. 35: 707-714. [刘珉璐,郁文彬, 王红. 2013. 植物物种的快速鉴定与 iFlora: DNA 条形码在马先蒿属中的应用. 植物分类与资源学报. 35: 707-714.] (in Chinese with a English abstract)

37) Deng Y-F., Yu W.-B.2014. Nomenclatural notes on the name Asarum longerhizomatosum (Aristolochiaceae). Phytotaxa. 172: 57–58.

38) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2014. Lectotypification of 16 plant names described by Franchet in 1891. Plant Diversity and Resources. 36: 590-594.

39) Yu W.-B., Li, D.-Z. 2014. Valid publication of the name Sarcococca longipetiolata (Buxaceae), third time lucky. Taxon. 63: 172-176.

40) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2014. Nomenclatural notes for Pedicularis oederi var. angustiflora (Orobanchaceae). Phytotaxa. 158: 299-300.

41) Yu W.-B. 2014. Nomenclatural clarifications of Sinopodophyllum (Berberidaceae). Plant Diversity and Resources 36: 37-40.

42) Yu W.-B., Kuss P., Wang H., Ree R.H., Li D.-Z. 2014. Lectotypification of Linnaean names in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Taxon. 63: 172-176.

43) Jiang N., Zhou Z., Lu Y.-X., Guan K.-Y., Yu W.-B. 2014. Research progress in systematics of the Chinese Gesneriaceae. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences. 2014(suppl.): 143-147. [江南, 周庄, 鲁元学, 管开云, 郁文彬. 2014. 中国苦苣苔科系统学研究进展. 浙江农业科学. 2014(增刊.): 143-147.] (in Chinese)

44) Jiang N., He J., Zhou Z., Lu Y.-X., Guan K.-Y.,Yu W.-B. 2014. Investigation on rapid propagation and preservation in vitro of Henckelia dielsii (Gensneriaceae). Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences. 2014(8): 1192-1193. [江南, 何俊, 周庄, 鲁元学, 管开云,郁文彬. 2014. 圆叶唇柱苣苔的组织快繁和离体保存研究初探. 浙江农业科学. 2014: 1192-1193.] (in Chinese)

45) Jiang N., Zhou Z., Guan K.-Y. Yu W.-B.* 2015. Nomenclatural transfer of Chinese Pulsatilla to Anemone (Ranunculaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany. 33: 469-471.

46) Liu M.-L., Yu W.-B., Kuss P., Li D.-Z., Wang H. 2015. Floral nectary morphology and evolution in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 178: 592-607.

47) Liu M.-L., Yu W.-B.* 2015. Pedicularis wanghongiae (Orobanchaceae), a new species from Yunnan, Southwestern China. Phytotaxa. 217: 53-62.

48) Yu W.-B.#, Liu M.-L.#, Wang H., Mill R.R., Ree R.H., Yang J.-B., Li D.-Z. 2015. Towards a comprehensive phylogeny of the large temperate genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae), with an emphasis on species from the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains. BMC Plant Biology. 15: 176.

49) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2015. Pseudobartsia glandulosa (Orobanchaceae), a new combination to replace Pseudobartsia yunnanensis. Phytotaxa. 217: 197-199.

50) Yu W.-B., Wang H., Ren Y.-Q., Li D.-Z. 2015. Typification of seven Chinese species of Pedicularis described by Bureau & Franchet with taxonomic notes. Plant Ecology and Evolution. 148: 144-148.

51) Li R., Shi X.-C., Yu W.-B., Feng S., Sun W.-B. 2016. Rediscovery of the supposedly extinct Pedicularis humilis in the eastern Himalayas. Oryx. 50: 204.

52) Wang X.-P., Yu W.-B., Sun S.-G., Huang S.-Q. 2016. Pollen size strongly correlates with stigma depth among Pedicularis species. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 58: 818-821.

53) Jiang N., Zhou Z., Yang J.-B., Zhang S.-D., Guan K.-Y., Tan Y.-H., Yu W.-B.* 2017. Phylogenetic reassessment of tribe Anemoneae (Ranunculaceae): non-monophyly of Anemone s.l. revealed by plastid datasets. PLoS One. 12: e0174792.

54) Song, Y.#, Yu W.-B.#, Tan Y.#, Liu B., Yao X., Jin J., Padmanaba M., YangJ.-B., Corlett R.T.. 2017. Evolutionary comparisons of the chloroplast genome in Lauraceae and insights into loss Events in the Magnoliids. Genome Biology and Evolution. 9: 2354-2364.

55) Jiang, N., Zhou Z., Yang J.-B., Yu W.-B.*. 2018. Complete chloroplast genome of Anemoclema glaucifolium (Ranunculaceae), a vulnerable and threatened species endemic to the Hengduan Mountains. Conservation Genetics Resources. 10: 601-604.

56) Ya, J.-D., Yu Z.-X., Yang Y.-Q., Zhang S.-D., Zhang Z.-R., Cai J.,Yang J.-B., Yu W.-B.* 2017. Complete chloroplast genome of Firmiana major (Malvaceae), a critically endangered species endemic to southwest China. Conservation Genetics Resources. 10: 713–715.

57) Yu W.-B.*, Wang H., Liu M.-L., Grabovskaya-Borodina A. E., Li D.-Z. (2018) Phylogenetic approaches resolve taxonomical confusion in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae): reinstatement of Pedicularis delavayi and discovering a new species Pedicularis milliana. PLoS One. 13: e0200372.

58) Yu W.-B., Randle, C.P., Lu L., Wang H., Yang J.-B., dePamphilis C.W., Richard C.T., Li D.-Z. (2018) The hemiparasitic plant Phtheirospermum (Orobanchacese) is polyphyletic and contains cryptic species in the Hengduan Mountains of southwest China. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9: 142.

59) Cai J., Yu W.-B., Zhang T., Wang H., Li D.-Z. 2019. China’s biodiversity hotspots revisited: a treasure chest for plants. PhytoKeys. 130: 1-24.

60) Cao H.-F., Ya J.-D., Zhang Q.-R., Hu X.-J., Zhang Z.-R., Liu X.-H., Zhang Y.-C., Zhang A.-T., Yu W.-B. 2019. Gentianella macrosperma, a new species of Gentianella (Gentianaceae) from Xinjiang, China. PhytoKeys. 130: 59-73.

61) Li X., Wang H., Li D-Z, Yu W-B.* 2019. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae): I. One new species from northwest Yunnan, China. PhytoKeys. 130: 205-215.

62) Tang, G.-D., Liu, J.-F., Wang, L., Zhu, C.-M. Zhu, Liu, L.-H., Randle, C. P.*, Yu W.-B.*. 2019 Molecular and morphological analyses support the transfer of Gleadovia kwangtungensis to Christisonia (Orobanchaceae). Systematic Botany. 44: 74-82.

63) Yang Z., Wafula E.K., Kim G., Shahid S., McNeal J.R., Ralph P.E., Timilsena P.R., Yu W.-B., Kelly E.A., Zhang H., Person T.N., Altman N.S., Axtell M.J., Westwood J.H., dePamphilis C.W. 2019. Convergent horizontal gene transfer and cross-talk of mobile nucleic acids in parasitic plants. Nature Plants. 5: 991-1001.

64) Yu W.-B.*, Tang G.-D., Zhang L., Corlett R.T. 2020. Decoding the evolution and transmissions of the novel pneumonia coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/HCoV-19) using whole genomic data. Zoological Research. 41: 247-257.

65) Jin J.J.#, Yu W.-B.#, Yang J.-B., Song Y., dePamphilis C.W., Yi T.-S.*, Li D.-Z.* 2020. GetOrganelle: a fast and versatile toolkit for accurate de novo assembly of organelle genomes. Genome Biology. 21: 241.

66) Gong Y.X., Jiang N., Zhang Z.R., Tian Y.H., Yu W.-B. 2020. Complete plastome sequence of Aspidopterys obcordata (Malpighiaceae), a traditional Dai medicinal plant from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 5: 3551-3553.

67) Gong Y.-X. Tian Y.-H., Jiang N., Yu W.-B. 2020. Complete plastome sequence of Acorus tatarinowii (Acoraceae), a traditional Chinese medicinal plant from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 5: 226-228.

68) Li X., Lin C.Y., Yang J.-B., Yu W.-B.* 2020. De novo assembling a complete mitochondrial genome of Pedicularis rex (Orobanchaceae) using GetOrganelle toolkit. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 5: 1056-1057.

69) Shao S.-C., Luo Y., Yu W.-B. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Lactarius trivialis (Russulalles, Basidiomycota). Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 5: 2078-2079.

70) Song Y.#, Yu W.-B.#, Tan Y.-H.#, Jin J., Wang B., Yang J.-B., Liu B., Corlett R.T. 2020. Plastid phylogenomics improve phylogenetic resolution in the Lauraceae. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 58: 42-49.

71) Win P.P., Li X., Chen L.-Q., Tan Y.-H.*, Yu W.-B.* Complete plastid genome of two Dalbergia species (Fabaceae), and their significance in conservation and phylogeny. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 5: 1967-1969.

72) Xiang C.-L., Dong H.-J., Landrein S., Zhao F., Yu W.-B., Soltis D.E., Soltis P.S., Backlund A., Wang H.-F., Li D.-Z., Peng H. 2020. Revisiting the phylogeny of Dipsacales: New insights from phylogenomic analyses of complete plastomic sequences. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 48: 103-117.

73) Zhao F., Li B., Drew B.T., Chen Y.-P., Wang Q., Yu W.-B., Liu E.-D., Salmaki Y., Peng H., Xiang C.-L. 2020. Leveraging plastomes for comparative analysis and phylogenomic inference within Scutellarioideae (Lamiaceae). PLoS One. 15: e0232602.

74) Li H.-T., Luo Y., Gan L., Ma P.-F., Gao L.-M., Yang J.-B., Cai J., Gitzendanner M.A., Fritsch P.W., Zhang T., Jin J.-J., Zeng C.-X., Wang H., Yu W.-B., Zhang R., van der Bank M., Olmstead R.G., Hollingsworth P.M., Chase M.W., Soltis D.E., Soltis P.S., Yi T.-S., Li D.-Z. 2021. Plastid phylogenomic insights into relationships of all flowering plant families. BMC Biology. 19: 232.

75) Li L., Liu G.-M., Zhang Z.-R., Corlett R.T., Yu W.-B.* 2021. Characteristics of the complete chloroplast genome sequences of Stylidium debile and Stylidium petiolare (Stylidiaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 6: 3134-3136

76) Li X., Yang J.-B., Wang H., Song Y., Corlett R.T., Yao X., Li D.-Z., Yu W.-B.* 2021. Plastid NDH pseudogenization and gene loss in a recently derived lineage from the largest hemiparasitic plant genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Plant and Cell Physiology. 62: 971-984.

77) Lin D.-L., Ya J.-D., Schuiteman A., Ma C.-B., Liu C., Guo X.-L., Chen S.-S., Wang X.-L., Zhang Z.-R., Yu W.-B., Jin X.-H. 2021. Four new species and a new record of Orchidinae (Orchidaceae: Orchideae) from China. Plant Diversity. 43: 390-400.

78) Pérez-Pérez, M. A., Yu, W.-B.2021. Pleistocene origin and colonization history of Lobelia columnaris Hook. f. (Campanulaceae: Lobelioideae) across sky islands of West Central Africa. Ecology and Evolution 11: 15860–15873.

79) Wang G., Zhang X., Herre E.A., McKey D., Machado C.A., Yu W.-B., Cannon C.H., Arnold M.L., Pereira R.A.S., Ming R., Liu Y.F., Wang Y., Ma D., Chen J. 2021. Genomic evidence of prevalent hybridization throughout the evolutionary history of the fig-wasp pollination mutualism. Nature Communications.12: 718.

80) Ya J.-D., Lin D.-L., Han Z.-D., Cai L., Zhang Z.-R., He D.-M., Jin X.-H.*, Yu W.-B.* 2021. Three new species of Liparis s.l. (Orchidaceae: Malaxideae) from Southwest China based on morphological characters and phylogenetic evidence. Plant Diversity. 43: 401-408.

81) Lin H.-Q., Cheng Y.-H., Liu R., Yin M.,Yu W.-B. 2021. Pedicularis pandania (Orobanchaceae), a new species of Pedicularis from the Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China. Guihaia. 41: 1949-1954. [林红强, 程跃红, 刘荣, 尹民,郁文彬. 2021. 四川卧龙国家级自然保护区马先蒿属一新种——熊猫马先蒿. 广西植物. 41: 1949-1954.] (in Chinese with a English abstract)

82) Dong Z., Qu S., Landrein S., Yu W.-B., Xin J., Zhao W., Song Y., Tan Y., Xin P. 2022. Increasing taxa sampling provides new insights on the phylogenetic relationship between Eriobotrya and Rhaphiolepis. Frontiers in Genetics. 13: 831206.

83) Jiang N., Dong, L.-N., Yang J.-B., Tan, Y.-H. Wang H, Randle C.P., Li, D.-Z.*, Yu, W.-B.* 2022. Herbarium phylogenomics: Resolving the generic status of the enigmatic Pseudobartsia (Orobanchaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 60: 1118-1128.

84) Liu C., Hu X.-J., Zhang J.-P., Yu W.-B.*, Tan Y.-H.* 2022. Two new species of Pentasacme (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Yunnan, China. Taiwania. 67: 326-334.

85) Liu R., Wang H., Yang J.-B., Corlett R.T., Randle C.P., Li D.-Z., Yu W.-B.* 2022. Cryptic species diversification of the Pedicularis siphonantha complex (Orobanchaceae) in the Mountains of Southwest China since the Pliocene. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13: 811206.

86) Naïve M.A.K., Calimbo L.G.L., Cudal M.G., Alejandro G.J.D., Yu W.-B. 2022. Taxonomy of the genus Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Mindanao, Philippines IV: Begoniabangsamoro subsp. bagasa (Begonia section Petermannia), a new subspecies from Zamboanga del Sur. Phytaotaxa. 559: 88-94.

87) Wang W.-J., Liu R., Wu Y., Wang H.*, Yu W.-B.* 2022. The complete chloroplast genomes of two Pedicularis species (Orobanchaceae) from Southwest China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 7: 971-973,

88) Chen L.-Q., Zhang Z.-R., Yang J.-B., Li D.-Z., Yu W.-B.* 2022. Plastid phylogenomics insight into the phylogeny of Convolvulaceae. Guihaia. 42: 1740-1749. [陈丽琼, 张志荣, 杨俊波, 李德铢,郁文彬*. 2022. 质体系统发育基因组解析旋花科系统发育关系. 广西植物. 42: 1740-1749.] (in Chinese with a English abstract)

89) Li R.-Z., Cai J., Yang J.-B., Zhang Z.-R., Li D.Z.,Yu W.-B.* 2022. Inferring for phylogenetic relationships within Sterculioideae (Malvaceae s. l.) using chloroplast genome sequences. Guihaia. 42: 25-38. [黎若竹, 蔡杰, 杨俊波, 张志荣, 李德铢, 郁文彬*. 2022. 利用叶绿体基因组数据解析锦葵科梧桐亚科的系统位置和属间关系. 广西植物. 42: 25-38.] (in Chinese with a English abstract)

90) Ancheta D.J., Amparado O.A., Yu W.-B., Naive M.A.K. 2023. Lectotypification and new data on the distribution of Begonia anisoptera (Begoniaceae, section Baryandra), a species endemic to the Zamboanga Peninsula. Phytotaxa. 616: 189-194.

91) Barrett C.F., Ramachandran D., Chen C.-H., Corbett C.W., Huebner C.D., Sinn B.T., Yu W.-B., Suetsugu K. 2023. Mitochondrial genome sequencing and analysis of the invasive Microstegium vimineum: A resource for systematics, invasion history, and management.International Journal of Plant Sciences. 184: 525-540.

92) Maw M.B., Hein K.Z., Naing M.K., Yu W.-B., Tan Y.-H. Taxonomic studies on Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar III: Begonia kayinensis (sect. Monophyllon), a remarkable new species from Kayin. Taiwania. 68: 407-411.

93) Pan B, Yao X, Corlett RT*, Yu W-B*. 2023. Pueraria omeiensis (Fabaceae), a new species from Southwest China. Taiwania. 68: 31-38.

94) Song Y., Xia S.-W., Tan Y.-H., Yu W.-B., Yao X., Xing Y.-W., Corlett R.T. 2023. Phylogeny and biogeography of the Cryptocaryeae (Lauraceae). Taxon. 72(6): 1244-1261.

95) Xin Y.-X., Yu W.-B., Eiadthong W., Cao Z.; Li Q.; Yang Z., Zhao W., Xin P. 2023. Comparative analyses of 18 complete chloroplast genomes from eleven Mangifera species (Anacardiaceae): Sequence characteristics and phylogenomics. Horticulturae. 9: 86.

96) Yu Q.-F., Tan Y.-H.,Yu W.-B., Yang S.-T., Huang J.-P., Caraballo-Ortiz M.A., Liu C., Song Y. 2023. Comparative analyses of eight complete plastid genomes of two hemiparasitic Cassytha vines in the family Lauraceae. Frontiers in Genetics.14: 1192170.

97) Zhao J., Li Y.-J., Wang X.-N., Li M.-R., Yu W.-B., Chen J., Zhang L. 2023. Parasite–host network analysis provides insights into the evolution of two mistletoe lineages (Loranthaceae and Santalaceae). Plant Diversity.45: 702-711.

98) Li J.-Y., Tan Y.-L., Li H.-T., Ai H.-D., Gong Y.-X., Xiao Y.-X., Yu W.-B.* 2023 Authentication on the Dai medicinal herb “Dai-Bai-Jie” using molecular and morphological data. Guihaia. 43: 32-42. [李金月, 谭运洪, 李海涛, 岩罕单, 龚燕雄, 肖云学, 郁文彬*. 2023. 基于分子与形态证据的傣药傣百解基原考证. 广西植物. 43: 32-42.]

99) Xiao Y.-X., He Z.-X., Su Q.-Z., Tang X., Huang G.-L., Liu M., Yu W.-B., Tang J.W. 2023. Current distribution and conservation strategy of Vatica guangxiensis (Dipterocarpaceae), a rare and endangered species with extremely small population. Journal of West China Forestry Science. 52(3): 1-7. [肖云学, 何在新, 苏启照, 唐翔, 黄国良, 刘勐, 郁文彬, 唐建维. 2023. 我国极小种群广西青梅的资源现状及其保护策略. 西部林业科学. 52(3): 1-7.]

100) Xiao Y.-X., Yin L.-H., Yu W.-B., Tang J.W. 2023. Study on population structure and seedling regeneration of Hopea hainanensis Merr. & Chun under ex situ conservation in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden [肖云学,殷霖昊,郁文彬,唐建维. 2023. 迁地栽培坡垒的种群结构与幼苗更新研究. 植物科学学报, 41(5): 604-612]

101) Chen H.-Y. Zhang Z.-R., Yao X., Ya J.-D., Jin X.-H., Ya J.-D., Lu L., Li D.-Z., Yang J.-B.*, Yu W.-B.* Plastid phylogenomics provides new insights into the systematics, diversification, and biogeography of Cymbidium (Orchidaceae). Plant Diversity. DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2024.03.001.

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103) Li Y.-R., Wang Z.-W., Corlett R.T.*, Yu W.-B.* 2024. Comparative analyses of mitogenomes in the social bees with insights into evolution of long inverted repeats in the Meliponini. Zoological Research. 45: 160-175.

104) Ya J.-D., Chen H.-Y., Zhang W., Zhu R.-B., Cai J.*, Yu W.-B.* 2024. Phylogenetic and biogeographical analyses of Thismia (Thismiaceae) support T. malipoensis as the eighth species in China. Willdenowia. 54: 47-63.

105) Ya J.-D., Zhang G.-L, Cai J., Tan Y.-H., Li Y., Zhang G.-S. Zhang K., Ping S.-H., Wang D., Zhang W., Randle C.P.*, Yu W.-B.* 2024. Two new species of Christisonia (Orobanchaceae) from Southeastern Yunnan, China. Systematic Botany. 49(1): in press.

106) Xin Y.-X., Tan Y.-H., Xin P.-Y., Li H.-T., Zhang S.-H., Tang J.-R., Yu W.-B.* 2024. Taxonomical clarification of Dracaena cambodiana, the source plant of Chinese “Resina Draconis” [J]. Plant Science Journal. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ. 2095-0837. 23340. [辛雅萱, 谭运洪, 辛培尧, 李海涛, 张淑红, 唐军荣, 郁文彬*. 2024. 国产龙血竭基原植物柬埔寨龙血树的分类学考证. 植物科学学报. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ. 2095-0837. 23340]


1) Khoo E., Barstow M., Maycock C., …, Yu W.-B. (eds) 2023. The Red List of Dipterocarpaceae. Botanic Gardens Conservation International Descanso House, Richmond. Tang J.-W., Xiao Y.-X., Yu W.-B. Dipterocarpaceae in China, Pp. 36-38..

2) 李德铢 (主编). 2020. 《中国维管植物科属志》(上中下3), 科学出版社, 北京. 担任共同副主编(排名第五), 并承担编写吉粟草科, 粟米草科, 车前科, 透骨草科, 通泉草科, 列当科, 角胡麻科, 花柱草科。

3) 李德铢 (主编). 2018.《中国维管植物科属辞典》, 科学出版社, 北京. 担任助理编辑, 并承担编写吉粟草科, 粟米草科, 车前科, 透骨草科, 通泉草科, 列当科, 角胡麻科, 花柱草科。

4) 向春雷, 刘启新, 彭华 (主编). 2016. 《中国生物物种名录第一卷植物》(第九册). 科学出版社, 北京. 审校列当科和狸藻科.

5) 黄璐琦, 刘昌孝 (主编). 2015.《分子生药学》, 科学出版社, 北京. 参编生药分子鉴定.


1) 海南热带雨林保护研究基金项目课题, 海南热带雨林国家公园优先保护物种生物多样性评估与保护研究, 2024/01-2026/12, 600, 在研, 共同负责人

2) 云南省兴滇英才支持计划”, 202305AS350030, 云南省热带雨林与亚洲象保护创新团队, 2024/01-2026/12, 100, 在研, 项目负责人

3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 32371700, 探究喜马拉雅-横断山区环境演变对植物适应与演化的影响:以高山类群马先蒿属为例, 2024/01-2027/12, 50万(直接经费), 在研, 项目负责人

4) 云南省基础研究计划面上项目, 202201AT070232, 中国梧桐属植物的分类学修订和系统发育多样性研究, 2022/06-2025/05, 10, 在研, 项目负责人

5) 科技基础资源调查专项专题, 2021FY100204-1, 大高黎贡山野生生物种质资源的调查收集与保存之课题四子课题:大高黎贡山疑难植物类群的超级条形码获取, 2021/09-2026/08, 50, 在研, 专题负责人

6) 云南省科技人才与平台计划, 202305AG070003, 云南省热带雨林与亚洲象保护重点实验室, 2023/01-2024/12, 100, 在研, 项目负责人

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8) 中国科学院西部青年学者人才项目, 傣药基原植物考证与数智化鉴定平台建设, 2022/01-2024/12, 50, 在研, 项目负责人

9) 云南省万人计划青年拔尖人才项目, YNWR-QNBJ-2019-194,  2019/12-2024/12, 50, 在研, 项目负责人

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12) 云南省生态环境保护专项资金, 西双版纳州国家重点保护野生植物调查评估和保护, 2023/01-2024/12, 47.5, 在研, 项目负责人

13) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 31870196, 解析寄生植物的细胞器基因组演化:以列当科为例, 2019/01-2022/12, 59万(直接经费), 项目负责人

14) 中国西南野生生物种质资源库交叉合作团队开放研究项目——基础研究青年项目, 寄生植物列当科的细胞器基因组演化研究, 2019/07—2020/06, 20, 已结题, 项目负责人

15) 中国科学院重大科技基础设施开放研究项目专题, 2017-LSFGBOWS-02, 寄生植物细胞器基因组演化研究, 2018/11-2020/12, 39, 已结题, 专题负责人

16) 中国科学院重大科技基础设施开放研究项目专题, 2017-LSFGBOWS-02, 西双版纳傣药植物遗传信息的数字化关键技术研究, 2018/11-2020/12, 37, 已结题, 专题负责人

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18) 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 31200185, 横断山区大王马先蒿复合群物种分化机制研, 2013/01 -2015/12, 23, 已结题, 项目负责人

19) 中国科学院西部之光西部博士项目, 中国西南山地特有大王马先蒿复合群同域物种形成和保护研究, 2012/05 - 2015/05, 10, 已结题, 项目负责人