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1.     1998/09-2002/07,石河子大学生命科学学院,生物科学,学士

2.     2002/09-2005/07,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,植物学,硕士

3.     2011/09-2015/05,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,生态学,博士


3.     2018/01-2023/03,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,副研究员

4.     2023/04-至今,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,研究员


1.     2015/12月,德国森根堡研究所, 短期访学

2.     2017/5-2018/4月,英国布里斯托大学自然地理学院,访问学者(中科院公派)

3.     2023/4-至今,英国布里斯托大学自然地理学院,高级访问学者(国家留学基金委)



1.     2023.01-2027.12云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才项目,云南省科技厅,No. 202305AC160051

2.     2019.1-2022.12 滇中盆地早渐新世古植被及生物多样性演变,云南省自然科学基金面上项目,2019FB061

3.     2018.1-2021.12 云南吕合早渐新世古植被与古气候演变,国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.41772026

4.     2015.7-2018.6 云南文山中新世古火灾重建,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室开放基金,No. 153107


1.     2022.12-2027.11、科技部重点研发计划白垩纪-古近纪深部碳循环与热室地球演变(课题三)热室地球植被、植物多样性与生态响应,No. 2022YFF0800803

2.     2019.01-2023.12 科技部第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究专项专题:生物与高原隆升协同演化;No. 2019QZKK0705;

3.     2018.10-2023.12中国科学院先导专项(A类)泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路-碰撞造山带隆升与环境资源影响子子课题:新生代季风与植物协同演化,No.XDA20070301;

4.     2018.10-2023.12中国科学院先导专项(B类)关键地史时期生物与环境演变过程及其机制子课题:中国现代植物多样性的起源来自化石的证据,No. XDB26000000

5.     2017.1-2020.12  古近纪及新近纪早期植被和生物多样性演变,国家自然科学基金委中英合作项目,No. 41661134049

6.     2016.01-2019.12 若干植物类群的演化、灭绝及其对亚洲季风气候的响应,NSFC-云南联合基金,No.U1502231

7.     2015.1-2018.12 藏东芒康晚中新世卡均植物群及其古环境重建,国家自然基金面上项目,No.31470325

8.     2014.1-2017.12 云南文山晚中新世植物群及其环境演变与植物多样性,国家自然基金面上项目,No.41372035

9.     2013.1-2016.12 云南中新世南锋木化石及其古环境意义,国家自然基金面上项目,No.41272007


1.     李树峰*, 赵佳港, Farnsworth Alex, Valdes Paul, 刘佳, 黄健, 周浙昆, 苏涛*, 2023. 新生代青藏高原生长对东亚水循环及生态系统影响评述. 科学通报 68, 1567–1579.

2.     Huang L.L., Li S.F., Huang W.Y., Xiang H.L.L., Jin J.J.*, Oskolski A.A. (2023). Glacial expansion of cold-tolerant species in low latitudes: megafossil evidence and species distribution modelling. National Science Review, 10, nwad038.

3.     Xiao, S.M., Li, SF*., Wang, X.J., Chen, L.L., Su, T.* (2022). Cedrus distribution change: past, present, and future. Ecological Indicators, 142, 109159.

4.     Zhao, J.G., Li, S.F.*, Farnsworth, A., Valdes, P. J., Reichgelt, T., Chen, L.L., Zhou, Z.K., Su, T.* (2022). The Paleogene to Neogene climate evolution and driving factors on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences, 65(7), 1339-1352.

5.     赵佳港, 李树峰*, Alexander, F., Paul, J. V., Tammo, R., 陈琳琳, 周浙昆, 苏涛* (2022). 古近纪至新近纪青藏高原的气候演变及其驱动因素. 中国科学:地球科学(中文版), 52(08), 1562-1576.

6.     Li, S.F.*, Valdes, P. J., Farnsworth, A., Davies-Barnard, T., Su, T., Lunt, D. J., Spicer, R. A., Liu, J., Deng, W.Y.D., Huang, J., Tang, H., Ridgwell, A., Chen, L.L., Zhou, Z.K.* (2021). Orographic evolution of northern Tibet shaped vegetation and plant diversity in eastern Asia. Science Advances, 7(5), eabc7741.

7.     Li, S.F., Xing, Y.W.*, Valdes, P. J., Huang, Y.J., Su, T., Farnsworth, A., Lunt, D. J., Tang, H., Kennedy, A. T., Zhou, Z.K.* (2018). Oligocene climate signals and forcings in Eurasia revealed by plant macrofossil and modelling results. Gondwana Research, 61, 115–127.

8.     Chen, L.L., Deng, W.Y.D., Su, T., Li, S.F.*, Zhou, Z.K.* (2021). Late Eocene sclerophyllous oak from Markam Basin, Tibet, and its biogeographic implications. Science China Earth Sciences, 64(11), 1969–1981.

9.     陈琳琳, 邓炜煜东, 苏涛, 李树峰*, 周浙昆* (2021). 西藏芒康晚始新世高山栎组化石的发现及其生物地理学意义. 中国科学:地球科学 (中文版), 51(12), 2150–2162.

10.  Tang, H., Li, S.F.*, Su, T., Spicer, R. A., Zhang, S.T., Li, S.H., Liu, J., Lauretano, V., Witkowski, C. R., Spicer, T. E. V., Deng, W.Y.D., Wu, M.X., Ding, W.N., Zhou, Z.K.* (2020). Early Oligocene vegetation and climate of southwestern China inferred from palynology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 560, 109988.

11.  Farnsworth, A.*, Valdes, P.J., Ding, L., Spicer, R.A., Li, S.H., Su, T., Li, S.F., Witkowski, C.R., Xiong, Z. (2023). Limits of oxygen isotope palaeoaltimetry in Tibet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 606, 118040.

12.  Zhang, X.W., Gélin, U., Spicer, R.A., Wu, F.X., Farnsworth, A., Chen, P.R., Del Rio, C., Li, S.F., Liu, J., Huang, J., Spicer, T.E.V., Tomlinson, K.W., Valdes, P.J., Xu, X., Zhang, S.T., Deng, T., Zhou, Z., Su, T.*, 2022. Rapid Eocene diversification of spiny plants in subtropical woodlands of central Tibet. Nature Communications,13, 3787.

13.  Del Rio, C., Wang, T., Li, S.F., Jia, L.B., Chen, P.R., Spicer, R. A., Wu, F.X., Zhou, Z.K., Su, T.* (2022). Fruits of Firmiana and Craigia (Malvaceae) from the Eocene of the Central Tibetan Plateau with emphasis on biogeographic history. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 60(6), 1440-1452..

14.  Su, T.*, Farnsworth, A., Spicer, R. A., Huang, J., Wu, F.X., Liu, J., Li, S.F., Xing, Y.W., Huang, Y.J., Deng, W.Y.D., Tang, Xu, C.L., Zhao, F., Srivastava, G. Valdes, P. J., Deng, T., Zhou, Z.K.* (2019). No high Tibetan plateau until the Neogene. Science Advances, 5(3), eaav2189.

15.  Liu, J., Wang, T.X., Zhang, X.W., Song, A., Li, S.F., Huang, J., Spicer, T., Spicer, R. A., Wu, F.X., Su, T.*, Zhou, Z.K. * (2021). Snapshot of the Pliocene environment of West Kunlun region, Northwest China. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101(1), 163–176.

16.  Tang H, Liu J, Wu F-X, Spicer TEV, Spicer RA, Deng W-Y-D, Xu C-L, Zhao F, Huang J, Li SF, Su T*, Zhou Z-K*, 2019. The extinct genus Lagokarpos reveals a biogeographic connection of Tibet with other regions in the Northern Hemisphere during the Paleogene. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, doi: 10.1111/jse.12505.

17.  Xu C-L, Su T*, Huang J, Huang Y-J, Li S-F, Zhang Y-S, Zhou Z-K*, 2018. Occurrence of Christella (Thelypteridaceae) in Southwest China and its indications of the paleoenvironment of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 57: 169-179.

18.  Zhao F, Fan Z-X*, Su T, Li S-F, Tang H, Spicer TEV, Zhou Z-K*, 2019.Tree-ring δ18O inferred spring drought variability over the past 200?years in the Hengduan Mountains, Southwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 518: 22-33.

19.  Li, S.F., Hughes, A.C.*, Su, T., Anberrée, J.L., Oskolski, A.A., Sun, M., Ferguson, D.K., Zhou, Z.K.*, Fire dynamics under monsoonal climate in Yunnan, SW China: past, present and future. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2017.1.1, 465: 168~176.

20.  Linnemann, U.*, Su, T., Kunzmann, L., Spicer, R.A., Ding, W.-N., Spicer, T.E.V., Zieger, J., Hofmann, M., Moraweck, K., G?rtner, A., Gerdes, A., Marko, L., Zhang, S.-T., Li, S.-F., Tang, H., Huang, J., Mulch, A., Mosbrugger, V., and Zhou, Z.-K. “New U-Pb Dates Show a Paleogene Origin for the Modern Asian Biodiversity Hot Spots.” Geology, 2017, 46(1), 3-6.

21.  Tiwari, A., Fan, Z.-X., Jump, A.S., Li, S.-F., Zhou, Z.-K.*, Gradual expansion of moisture sensitive Abies spectabilis forest in the Trans-Himalayan zone of central Nepal associated with climate change. Dendrochronologia, 2017, 41:34-43.

22.  Li, S.-F., Jacques, F.M., Spicer, R.A., Su, T., Spicer, T.E., Yang, J., Zhou, Z.-K.*, Artificial neural networks reveal a high-resolution climatic signal in leaf physiognomy. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016, 442, 1-11.

23.  Lebreton-Anberrée, J., Li, S.H. *, Li, S.-F., Spicer, R.A., Zhang, S.-T., Su, T., Deng, C.L., Zhou, Z.-K.*, Lake geochemistry reveals marked environmental change in Southwest China during the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum. Science Bulletin, 2016, 61, 897-910.

24.  Lebreton-Anberrée, J., Manchester, S.-R., Huang, J., Li, S.-F., Wang, Y.-Q., Zhou, Z.-K., First Fossil Fruits and Leaves of Burretiodendronl. (Malvaceae s.l.) in Southeast Asia: Implications for Taxonomy, Biogeography, and Paleoclimate. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2015, 176(7):682-696

25.  Li, S.F., Mao, L.M., Spicer, R.A., Lebreton-Anberrée, J., Su, T., Sun, M., Zhou, Z.-K.*, Late Miocene vegetation dynamics under monsoonal climate in southwestern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,2015, 425, 14-40.


1.     Li S.F., Indian summer monsoon and vegetation dynamics forced byorbital and tectonic factors from the late Pliocene to earlyPleistocene. Biosphere Evolution, Transitions and Resilience.Online, 2022,9,4-7.

2.     李树峰, 中国新生代数据库及古气候重建方法介绍. 中国古生物学会粉学分会第十一届第一次学术年会暨理事会, 湖北宜昌, 2022, 9.16-18

3.     李树峰, 青藏高原北部生长塑造东亚植被和植物多样性格局——基于数值模拟和化数据的对比分析. 第六届古生物学青年学者论坛, , 2020.12 .4-6.

4.     李树峰, Paul J. Valdes, Alex Farnsworth, T Davies Barnard, 苏涛, Daniel J. Lunt, Robert A. Spicer, 刘佳, 黄健, 邓伟煜东, 唐赫, Andy Ridgwell, 周浙昆. 青藏高原隆升如何塑造东亚植被和生物多样性?—— 基于模拟和化石数据的研究. 中国古生物学会古生态专业委员会第八届一次学术年会, 云南澄江, 2020.11.12-17.

5.     Li S.F., Valdes P., Farnsworth A., Su T., Spicer RA, Liu J., Tang H., and Zhou Z.K., Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau uplift and growth shape vegetation and biodiversity in Asian monsoon area. The European geosciences union general assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019.4.6-13.

6.     Li, S.F., Xing Y.W.*, Valdes P., Huang Y.J., Su T., Farnsworth A., Lunt D., Tang H., Zhou Z.K.*, Oligocene climate signals and forcings in Eurasia revealed by plant macrofossil and modelling results. The 10th European palaeobotany and palynology conference, Dublin, Iceland, Oral Presentation. 2018.8.12-17.

7.     Li, S.F., Xing Y.W.*, Valdes P., Huang Y.J., Su T., Farnsworth A., Lunt D., Tang H., Zhou Z.K.*, The Oligocene climate and forces in Eurasia revealed by plant macrofossil data and modelling results. The Paleoclimate Society Conference (PACS) 2017, Cardiff University, 2017.9.11-12.

8.     Li, S.F., Hughes, A.C., Su, T., Zhou Z.K.*, Fire dynamics under monsoonal climate in Yunnan, SWChina: Past, present and future. The XIV International Palynological Congress - X International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference, Salvador, 2016.10.23-2016.10.28

9.     Li, S.F., Hughes, A.C., Su, T., Zhou, Z.K.*, Fire dynamics in Yunnan, SW China: Past, present and future. The Sino-German Meeting: "The Yunnan Biodiversity Hotspot – Its Origin and Climatic Threats", Kunming, China, Oral Presentation. 2015.8.5-9.

10.  Li, S.F., Mao, L.-M, Zhou, Z.K.*, Late Miocene climate inferred from palynological data in southwestern China: a case study from Wenshan basin of Yunnan. The 9th European palaeobotany and palynology conference, Padova, Italy, Oral Presentation. 2014.8.26-30.